Dark Phoenix – Movie Review

The critics warned us, but we all went to see Dark Phoenix anyway. So is it really any surprise that most, if not all Marvel fans left disappointed?


Dark Phoenix is pretty much a remake of X-Men: Last Stand, following the storyline of Jean Grey’s powers taking over and turning her into an unstoppable god-like mutant. It’s been so long since I last saw Last Stand, so it’s difficult to compare the two – but I think it’s safe to say that Dark Phoenix is just as underwhelming as Last Stand was.


It’s quite obvious that the crew working on this probably wanted to get it over and done with. The writing’s lazy and the action is dull. The acting is also a bit strange – all of the actors in this film talk in a tone of voice that’s slightly above monotone, but only just. Overall, this film has such low energy that it’s actually tiring to get through it all.


I’ve heard a lot of people saying that this X-Men storyline should have ended with Logan, and I can’t help but agree. I’m actually struggling to write any more about this film and I think that says a lot. The two movies are polar opposites – Dark Phoenix could never live up to the story-rich and exceptionally acted Logan. Logan was also Hugh Jackman’s last role as Wolverine, so surely that would have been more fitting as the final instalment?


I will admit, you do have to give Dark Phoenix credit for competent filmmaking and good special effects. It is interesting to watch in that sense, at least. It’s just a shame that it wasn’t a good film overall.

